We understand our role as a logistic medium for all of your complex or simple business needs.
Given our longstanding experience, reputation and negotiating leverage with logistic providers, we are capable of identifying potential savings and synergies quickly.
Our holistic approach calls for a mandate of your company's executive board or ownership to understand the importance of our analysis.
Then it is our duty to make sure potential savings not only become reality but also have a lasting effect on your company's operation results.
Your time investment is minimal from the very beginning of our activities.
First, we will mutually agree on required actions -
and then get the job done for you!
We understand logistics -
We speak logistics!
Our Team

Stefan Schäfer
…is inventor of the expectus concept and has been dealing with logistics for over 30 years. Stefan held leading positions with well named global players in Germany and the United States before founding expectus GmbH in 2000.

Kevin Thome
Head of Operations

Denis Rinas
Vice President of Operations

Ute Schäfer
Administrative Assistant

Bijan Banaey